Urolithiasis affects 1-5% of population with higher incidence in developing countries. It has been hypothesized that diet and lifestyle becomes an important etiological factor and objective of the study to find out the same in the present study. The study design is retrospective and sample size is around 100 patients of kidney stone, either newly diagnosed or patient with reoccurrence as per selection criteria. It has been hypnotized that diet containing rich uric acid, calcium, oxalic acid increases the chance of occurrence of kidney stone. The mean value of score of food, which increases risk of occurrence of kidney stone, is 19.62 out of 40 and mean value of score of food, which decreases risk of occurrence of kidney stone is 14.58 out of 40. Thus, it has been found from the study that there is some significant correlation between the dietary habit and the occurrence of kidney stone. It has been hypnotized that life style with less work also play an important role in to occurrence of kidney stone, but as per the result of study the ratio of patients having Hard : Normal : Less :Very Less working habit is respectively 33:41:12:14. So, it has not confirmed that the obesity and life style with less physical work increases the risk of kidney stone. Some other parameters like less water consumption or drinking water without filtration by ceramic filters or Reverse Osmosis system can increases or decreases risk of occurrences of kidney stone significantly.